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磁畴 英文影印版 [(德)休伯特 著] 2014年版

  • 大小:205.25 MB
  • 语言:英文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:物理学书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-02-21
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关键词:影印   英文   磁畴   休伯特   2014
磁畴 英文影印版
作者:(德)休伯特 著
  Magnetic domains are the elements of the microstructure of magnetic materials that link the basic physical properties of a material with its macroscopic properties and applications. The analysis of magnetization curves requires an understanding of the underlying domains. In recent years there has been a rising interest in domain analysis, probably due to the increasing perfection of materials and miniaturization of devices. In small samples, measurable domain effects can arise, which tend to average out in larger samples. This book is intended to serve as a reference for all those who are confronted with the fascinating world of magnetic domains. Naturally, domain pictures form an important part of this book.
1. Intro ductio
1.1 What are Magnetic Domains?
1.2 History of the Domain Concept
1.3 Micromagnetics and Doma
2. Domain Observation Techniques
2. I Introduction
2.2 Bitter Pattems
2.3 Magneto-OpticaIMethods
2.4 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
2.5 Electron Reflection and Scattering Methods
2.6 Mechanical Microscanning Techmiques
2.7 X-rayeutron and Other Methods
2.8 Integral Methods Supporting Domain Analysis
2.9 Comparison of Domain Observation Methods
3. Domain Theory
3.1 The Purpose of Domain Theo
3.2 Energetics of a Ferromagnet
3.3 The Origin of Domains
3.4 Phase Theory of Domains in Large Samples
3.5 Small-Particle Switching
3.6 Domain Walls
3.7 Theoretical Analysis of Characteristic Domains
3.8 Resume
4. Material Parameters for Domain Analysis
4.1 Intrinsic Material Parameters
4.2 MechanicaI Measurements
4.3 Magnetic Measurements
4.4 Resonance Experiments
4.5 Magnetostriction Measurements
4.6 Domain Methods
4.7 Thermal Evaluation of the Exchange Constant
4.8 Theoretical Guidelines for Material Constants
5. Domain Observation and Interpretation
5.1 Classification of Materials and Domains
5.2 Bulk High-Anisotropy Uniaxial Materials
5.3 Bulk Cubic Crystals
5.4 Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Ribbons
5.5 Magnetic Films with Low Anisotropy
5.6 Films with Strong Perpendicular Anisotropy
5.7 Particles Needles and Wires
5.8 How Many Different Domain Pattems?
6. The Relevance of Domains
6.1 Overview
6.2 Bulk Soft Magnetic Materials
6.3 Permanent Magnets.
6.4 Recording Media
6.5 Thin-Film Device s
6.6 Domain Propagation Devices
6.7 Domains and Hysteresis
Colour Plates
Textbooks and Review Articles
Author Index
Subject Index
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