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物流英语 王巍主编 2018年版

  • 大小:25.95 MB
  • 语言:中文版
  • 格式: PDF文档
  • 类别:物流书籍
  • 更新日期:2024-04-13
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关键词:物流   英语   王巍主编   2018   年版
作者: 王巍主编
出版时间: 2018年版
  “物流英语”是物流专业学生的一门必修课程,旨在培养学生在物流实践中的英语交流能力。本书共9章,主要内容有物流概论、供应链管理、运输、仓储管理、包装、采购、物流信息系统、物流单证、电子商务物流9个主题,共9个单元,18篇文章。每单元课后都有练习题,题型涉及连线题、问答题、词语辨析题、单选题、英译汉和汉译英等,另外还有一篇补充阅读,旨在扩大学生的阅读量。 本书内容精简,题材广泛,专业性、实战性和时代性较强,尤其是术语驿站更是让学生框架式和总结式的学习物流专业术语,适合作为应用型本科及高职物流管理和物流工程专业学生的专业英语或双语教学教材,也可作为市场营销、国际贸易等专业学生的教材。
目 录
Chapter 1 General Introduction to Logistics 1
Text A What is Logistics 1
Optional terms 2
Main passage 2
Term station 6
Role Play 1 Introduction to Logistics Company 6
New words and phrases 7
Notes 8
Text B Activities of in Logistics System 10
Optional terms 10
Main passage 11
Role Play 2 Making a Complaint 13
New words and phrases 14
Notes 15
Exercises 15
Supplementary reading 18
Chapter 2 Supply Chain Management 20
Text A What is a Supply Chain 20
Optional terms 20
Main passage 21
Role Play 1 Introduction to SCM Information System 25
New words and phrases 27
Notes 27
Text B What is Supply Chain Management 30
Optional terms 30
Main passage 30
Role Play 2 Shipping Goods 32
New words and phrases 33
Notes 33
Exercises 34
Supplementary reading 37
Chapter 3 Transportation 39
Text A About Logistics Transportation 39
Optional terms 39
Main passage 40
Role Play 1 Transshipment 44
New words and phrases 45
Notes 45
Text B Maritime Shipping 48
Optional terms 48
Main passage 49
Role Play 2 Visiting a Logistics Company 50
New words and phrases 51
Notes 52
Exercises 53
Supplementary reading 56
Chapter 4 Warehousing Management 58
Text A Warehousing & Inventory Management 58
Optional terms 58
Main passage 59
Role Play 1 Visiting a Warehouse 63
New words and phrases 64
Notes 65
Text B Distribution Center 67
Optional terms 67
Main passage 67
Role Play 2 How Much Should I Order 69
New words and phrases 71
Notes 71
Exercises 72
Supplementary reading 75
Chapter 5 Packaging 77
Text A Introduction to Packaging 77
Optional terms 77
Main passage 78
Role Play 1 Master Cartons 80
New words and phrases 81
Notes 82
Text B Packaging Materials 84
Optional terms 84
Main passage 84
Role Play 2 Containers of Packaging 88
New words and phrases 89
Notes 90
Exercises 91
Supplementary reading 94
Chapter 6 Purchasing 96
Text A Introduction to Purchasing 96
Optional terms 97
Main passage 97
Role Play 1 What is Purchasing 99
New words and phrases 101
Notes 101
Text B Application of Purchasing Systems 103
Optional terms 103
Main passage 103
Role Play 2 Ordering Equipments 106
New words and phrases 107
Notes 108
Exercises 109
Supplementary reading 112
Chapter 7 Logistics Information System 114
Text A About LIS 114
Optional terms 114
Main passage 115
Role Play 1 Introducing an IT Department 117
New words and phrases 118
Notes 118
Text B Application of LIS 120
Optional terms 120
Main passage 120
Role Play 2 Introducing Information Technologies 125
New words and phrases 126
Notes 126
Exercises 128
Supplementary reading 131
Chapter 8 Logistics Documents 133
Text A Transportation Documents 133
Optional terms 134
Main passage 134
New words and phrases 143
Notes 144
Text B International Commercial Documents 146
Optional terms 146
Main passage 146
New words and phrases 149
Notes 150
Exercises 151
Supplementary reading 157
Chapter 9 E-Commerce Logistics 159
Text A Introduction to E-Commerce 159
Optional terms 160
Main passage 160
Role Play 1 Talking about E-Commerce 166
New words and phrases 167
Notes 167
Text B E-Commerce Logistics 170
Optional terms 170
Main passage 170
Role Play 2 Talking about E-Commerce 173
New words and phrases 174
Notes 175
Exercises 176
Supplementary reading 179
参考文献 181
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