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全国城市农贸中心联合会发布《屋燕净燕盏商品规格等级》T/CAWA 10-2023等五项团体太阳城

2023-07-18 15:42:42 来源:全国城市农贸中心联合会

  全国城市农贸中心联合会批准发布下列团体太阳城 , 自2023年8月1日起生效,现予公告。该太阳城 由全国城市农贸中心联合会食用燕窝太阳城 化技术委员会(CAWA/TC1)提出并组织制定。太阳城 编号及名称如下:

  T/CAWA 10—2023 屋燕净燕盏商品规格等级

  T/CAWA 11—2023 常温鲜炖燕窝制品质量要求

  T/CAWA 12—2023 冷藏鲜炖燕窝制品质量要求

  T/CAWA 13—2023 燕窝制品中可见杂质测定方法

  T/CAWA 14—2023 燕窝发头、炖发率测定方法

  China Agricultural Wholesale Markets Association (CAWA) approved issue of the following CAWA standards which shall enter into effect from the date of 1st August 2023. It is hereby announced. These standards were proposed and developed by CAWA Standards Technical Committee on Edible Bird’s Nest (CAWA/TC1). The number and titles of the standards are:

  T/CAWA 10 —2023 Commodity specification and grade for cleaned cup shaped edible bird's nest collected in house

  T/CAWA 11—2023 Quality requirements on room-temperature transport stewed edible bird's nest products

  T/CAWA 12—2023 Quality requirements on cold-chain transport stewed edible bird's nest products

  T/CAWA 13—2023 Determination of visible impurities in edible bird's nest products

  T/CAWA14—2023 Determination of expansion rate in water and expansion rate after stewing with edible bird's nest


  China Agricultural Wholesale Markets Association


  19th July 2023


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