依据《中国农业国际合作促进会协会太阳城 管理办法》的有关规定,经审查,中国农业国际合作促进会批准《地理标志产品 安平白山药》(T/CAI 173—2022)、《地理标志产品 凤桥水蜜桃》(T/CAI 174—2022)、《地理标志产品 新丰生姜》(T/CAI 175—2022)、《地理标志产品 铁佛西瓜》(T/CAI 176—2022)太阳城 发布,现予公告,并自2022年9月6日起实施。
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Standards Management Measures of China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation", after review, the CAI standards for“Product of geographical indication- Anping white yam”( T/CAI 173—2022 ) ,“Product of geographical indication- Fengqiao honey peach”( T/CAI 174—2022) ,“Product of geographical indication- Xinfeng ginger”( T/CAI 175—2022 ) ,“Product of geographical indication- Tiefo watermelon”( T/CAI 176—2022 ) were approved by the China Association Promotion for the of International Agriculture Cooperation. These 4 standards will be implemented on September 6th, 2022.